Tagged: bash

vfe.sh 3.0

New version of vfe.sh works with ffmpeg v1 and up. Overall the changes to ffmpeg increase the similarity between the ffmpeg and the libav suites, so that makes my life a little easier. I did not try for backward compatibility. If you need to use it with ffmpeg 0.6, then you need to use the 2.0 version. You can get either version from the repo on github:


vfe.sh 2.0

The latest version of vfe.sh (2.0) allows you to select whether the script will run the transcoding commands using an 'ffmpeg' or 'avconv' command. The default is ffmpeg, and it's the kind of thing one is likely set and leave, so I have added a 'converter' value in my .vferc file. On my Mac I'm using ffmpeg, and on my Ubuntu machine avconv. With avconv I found that Ogg encoding was sensitive to the audio bitrate, and that 128 was a good value. At any rate, it is now a setting that you can adjust on the command line or in your .vferc file. Lastly I added more explicit output so that you can now see in the terminal the full form of the command that the script ran for each video type.

Updated files are on:


vfe.sh 1.3

Just put up a new version of the vfe.sh script that includes an option to create a VP8/.webm version of your video alongside the OGG/.ogv and MPEG/.mp4. Success of the script depends on ffmpeg 0.6. As before, you also need ffmpeg2theora and qtfaststart.py.

Now I'll be able to work on including VP8/.webm in the External Video for Everybody WordPress plugin.

vfe.sh 1.2

This upgrade involves a little adjustment to force the ffmpeg output codec to libx264. I also changed the default frame rate to 30. You can edit the script to set the default to whatever you like, and you can override the default with the -f flag.

Upgrade for vfe.sh

I've just updated the vfe.sh shell script to harmonize better with the latest version of the External Video for Everybody plugin.

  • The poster.mp4 file will now be created only if you set a -q flag
  • You can designate an output file name that differs from the input file name by providing an optional second argument

The link to the current version of the script is in the sidebar.